Interesting article by the president of the Association of Catholic Parents of Quebec about the new Ethics and Religious Culture curriculum.
Parents have been up in arms about this course since the Québec government first made known its preliminary version in the fall of 2006. At that time, the Ministry of Education requested the Québec Assembly of Catholic Bishops, the Association of Catholic Parents of Québec, and other religious groups to give their opinion on the contents to the Committee for Religious Affairs. As President of the Association of Catholic Parents of Québec, I was outraged that, following the consultation, parents’ opinions were ignored. All parents consulted by the association had expressed their definite desire to maintain their right to oversee the courses. After all, its religious and moral content would be transmitted to their children.What a surprise, the Quebec Monopoly of Education ignoring parents' opinion! You don't say...
1 commentaire:
Tout ce que tout ça nous montre, c'est quelle sorte de type est Charest.
Vous avez entendu ce qu'il a dit aujourd'hui? Tenez-vous bien: 'Ce sont les parents qui ont le plus d'influence sur les enfants'
C'est vrai... et c'est pourquoi le gouvernement leur a enlevé ce droit avec l'adoption du Bill 95.
L'article parle aussi de la trahison de nos évêques... une chance qu'on a Rome!
Dans la situation présente, si j'avais encore des enfants aux études, je quitterais le Québec... je ne permettrais jamais qu'on leur enseigne de telles balivernes.
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