jeudi 25 février 2010

The breach for private schools must be extended to public schools

We have just received this press release from Catholic Parents Association of Quebec.

Court of Appeal and Ethics and Religious Culture: The breach for private schools must be extended to public schools

MONTREAL, February 25, 2010 /CNW Telbec (in French)/- The Court of Appeal of Quebec, while refusing to hear the parents of Drummondville who asked that their children be exempted from the Ethics and Religious Culture curriculum (ERC), acknowledged that the child “is not obliged to follow this course” in a private primary school. Judge Yves-Marie Morissette made it clear that the child “was not subject to the obligation to attend the course of ethics and religious culture”.

The Catholic Parents Association of Quebec (APCQ) rejoices, along with the Coalition for freedom in education (CLE) and the parents’ lawyer, Jean-Yves Côté, that “a breach” has now been recognized by the Court of Appeal regarding the compulsory attendance of this course. However, the APCQ deplores the fact that this right is only recognized in the case of private schools and not public schools.

The APCQ calls for the Minister of Education of Quebec to explicitly allow all the children in Quebec to enjoy the same freedom to be “exempted” from the Ethics and Religious Culture curriculum as that recognized by the judges to students in private schools. “It is quite simply unacceptable, stressed the APCQ’s president, Mrs Jean-Morse-Chevrier, that most families are denied a right, allowed in theory by the Law on Public Education (LIP), but denied to them in practice.” According to the APCQ, the ministry has to amend the instructions it sends to School Boards so that public schools grant the same right of exemption from the ERC course as the court has just recognized to private schools.

Decision of the Court of Appeal (in French):

Information: (Mrs.) Jean Morse-Chevrier,
President of the Catholic Parents Association of Quebec (APCQ),
(514) 276-8068, (819) 661-7140

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