vendredi 9 mars 2012

ERC and Supreme Court — Press conference video with lead counsel Mark Phillips

Lead Counsel Mark Phillips' statement

Questions from journalists
1. Could this open the floodgates to other provinces implementing similar courses?
2. Exposing children to "realities".

Many thanks to the Association of Catholic Parents of Quebec who recorded this (support them financially!)

See also

Professor Douglas Farrow's "On the Ethics and Religious Culture Program" Report as Expert Witness in the Loyola High School vs. Ministry of Education court case.

Prof. Doug Farrow, ERC — "Why the Fuss?" (14 pages PDF)

(Lecture by Prof. Doug Farrow with long Q&A, audio: 1:26:34)

Majority of Quebecers want ‘more freedom’ in education, reject mandatory ethics course: survey (27-29 February 2012)

Leger-Marketing Poll: Quebecers want school vouchers and ERC optional or scrapped

Teacher and principal: "ERC courses are considered irrelevant by most students and teachers whom I know."

Supreme Court — Break with Common Law Putting the Onus on Parents rather than the State

National Post — Supreme Court puts the final nail in the coffin of religious freedom (ERC case)

Quebec’s Ethics and Religious Culture course is more about indoctrination than education

«In the modern world in which you are living, you've probably realized that the value systems
 have broken out, that each has its own standards [...]

Based on the knowledge that we will acquire and from our discussions during the school year, may arise
within you the impression that ABSOLUTE GOOD and EVIL do not exist,
but that there is a good and evil relative to each PERSON [...]

Don't worry.»

Ethics and Religious Culture in Quebec: Canada’s Supreme Court has erred (National Post)

Prof. Paul Allen : debate far from over about Ethics and Religious Culture

Joanne McGarry of the Catholic Civil Rights League on the Tommy Schnurmacher Show

Talkshow — The Supreme Court didn't agree, neither did our panelists

Prof. Zucchi: Being 'neutral' on religion, involves making a choice

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